I pretty much broke down after TechEd. I thought I'd be patient enough to wait for Ruby but because Python is most mature I have started to learn it, whitespaces or no.
The first thing I did was check out Guido van Rossum's tutorial for programmers, which was an excellent first step. I've followed that up with some random programming - a lot of fun so far.
I was wondering about the set operations in python and how that made a difference in programming since there aren't syntactical equivalents in .NET. Incidentally at the time I was reading The Man Who Loved Only Numbers and ran across a short description of the Sieve of Eratosthenes as a way of finding primes. I thought it would be a good way to check out the set operations of Python.
I wrote the following:
Interesting, but slow. The way I may do something like that in C# (which also works just fine in Python) would be this, which I wrote later:
It's a lot faster than the previous approach which makes sense - doing set algebra on large sets should take a long time... but that begs the question: are those set operations dangerous (ie. so slow as to be costly).
I'm wondering what's "pythonic" and how a jedi would write this most effeciently.
I pretty much broke down after TechEd. I thought I'd be patient enough to wait for Ruby but because Python is most mature I have started to learn it, whitespaces or no.
The first thing I did was check out Guido van Rossum's tutorial for programmers, which was an excellent first step. I've followed that up with some random programming - a lot of fun so far.
I was wondering about the set operations in python and how that made a difference in programming since there aren't syntactical equivalents in .NET. Incidentally at the time I was reading The Man Who Loved Only Numbers and ran across a short description of the Sieve of Eratosthenes as a way of finding primes. I thought it would be a good way to check out the set operations of Python.
I wrote the following:
from System import *
def multiples(num, thresh):
multi = []
for i in range(2,thresh):
m = num * i
if(m < thresh):
return multi
primeThresh = 5000
print DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
nums = range(2,primeThresh)
for n in nums:
nums = set(nums) - set(multiples(n, primeThresh))
print nums
print DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
Interesting, but slow. The way I may do something like that in C# (which also works just fine in Python) would be this, which I wrote later:
from System import *
primeThresh = 5000
print DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
nums = range(2,primeThresh)
for n in nums:
for m in range(2,primeThresh):
mult = n * m
if(mult > primeThresh):
print nums
print DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss")
It's a lot faster than the previous approach which makes sense - doing set algebra on large sets should take a long time... but that begs the question: are those set operations dangerous (ie. so slow as to be costly).
I'm wondering what's "pythonic" and how a jedi would write this most effeciently.