Daring Fireball had me in stitches with the following paragraph on his colophon:
Daring Fireball had me in stitches with the following paragraph on his colophon:
"If Daring Fireball looks like shit in your browser, you’re using a shitty
browser that doesn’t support web standards. Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 5,
I’m looking in your direction. If you complain about this, I will laugh at you,
because I do not care. If, however, you are using a modern, standards-compliant
browser and have trouble viewing or reading Daring Fireball, please do let me
know. "
His most recent essay, Omnivapor, was referenced on Reddit but what got me going there was
his essay The Location Field is the New Command Line featured in Joel Spolsky's Best Software Writing I.